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At the GR Caribe by Solaris bars in Cancun we always have your favorite drink or beverage to refresh you, quench your thirst or just to have a good vacation time, come and visit our bars, meet new friends and spend some pleasant evenings dancing to the latin rhythms of live music.


Your welcome drink

At GR Caribe's Lobby Bar you can enjoy a wide selection of drinks for your welcome drink just after doing your check-in or a farewell cocktail in your way to the airport. Relax in your chair while watching your favorite game or while listening to relaxing live music in the afternoon after an exciting day of activities and try our delicious afternoon specialty: Irish flamed coffee, we are sure you will love it!

Type: Walk up bar
Reservation: Reservation is not required
Schedules: Open from 11:30 MTS - 18:00 MTS


7&7 Enjoy this simple and refreshing classic drink prepared only with wiskey and lemon-lime soda.
Whiskey Sour The Whiskey Sour or bitter, is a famous and striking cocktail prepared with wiskey lemon juice, sugar syrup and, optionally but highly recommended, egg white to give texture and garnished with lemon peel.
John Collins This refreshing and bubbly drink is made with whiskey, lemon juice, sugar syrup, mineral water, a lemon wedge and a cherry for garnish.
Old Fashion A drink that will not go out of style due to its delicious flavor, it is made with wiskey, sugar, extra dry liquor, mineral water, and a touch of orange juice.


Blue margarita The most chic drink to refresh yourself. Tequila, lemon juice, blue Curaçao, sugar and a touch of salt.
Lemon margarita Taste the classic drink in every beach vacation a refreshing margarita prepared with tequila, orange liqueur, lemon juice, and sugar.
Strawberry margarita A must try in your trip to quench your thirst, prepared with Tequila, triple sec orange liqueur, lemon juice, fresh strawberries and sugar.
Mango margarita The best way to refresh yourself while getting your tan, a delicious margarita prepared with Tequila, triple sec orange liqueur, lemon juice, fresh mango and sugar syrup.
Hot (chili) margarita Dare to try this delicious and extravaganza margarita prepared with tequila, cucumber, orange liqueur, lemon and serrano pepper, we have for sure you will love it.


The place to cool

This small bar is conveniently located next to the pool of GR Caribe, although it is "only" the bar counter, it has a great advantage, you can enjoy your favorite cocktails and beers without the necessity of leaving the pool or your bunk, just raise your hand and our staff will gladly bring your drink along the unbeatable service that characterizes Royal Solaris resorts

Type: Walk up Bar
Reservation: Reservation is not required
Schedules: Open from 12:00 MTS - 18:00 MTS


Beer Refresh yourself with the favorite drink to calm the heat, delicious 100% Mexican clear beer from a recognized brand with a sales record in the world.
Mango Margarita A refreshing and delicious version of the classic margarita but with a tasty and fruity twist, we prepare it at the moment with Tequila, lemon, mango juice and a little sugar.
Charro Negro Classic Mexican drink that is a good alternative for the cuba libre, we prepare it with reposado tequila, cola, and a dash of lemon juice.
Tequila Sunrise This drink, also known as Acapulco, is one of the most liked and requested drink by our guests, we prepare it with reposado Tequila, orange juice, and grenadine


Sex on the beach Refreshing drink prepared with cranberry juice, orange juice, peach liqueur and vodka, we have for sure you that you will ask for more than one.
Cancun Maya A drink that although kind of a strange, you will love it, we prepare it with dark coconut rum, a dash of banana liqueur, orange juice and pineapple juice.
Yellow bird A fresh tropical rum cocktail made with freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange juice, white rum, dark rum, Galliano liqueur, and maraschino cherry.
Honeymoon Delicious and sweet drink prepared with cognac, coffee liqueur, maple syrup and lemon juice, ideal to finish your relaxed afternoon by the pool.
Coco Exotic Yet another coconut drink prepared with coconut syrup, malibu, gin, reposado white tequila, pineapple juice, lemon juice, and a touch of mint liqueur.
Learn more.